It will be easy peasy. Let’s eavesdrop on a typical case. So you got a new car? Great, it’s time to sign up for your car care insurance plan. Come on in. First, there are three general types of plans, roughly based on how much they cost. The Earth plan is the cheapest, next there’s…
Congratulations on being sued for your activism. You should be gratified, but instead are probably freaked out. Millions of activists and public officials struggle for the public good for decades without being sued for their work. That’s because the power brokers they are ticking off can handle them with the usual routine tactics. If you…
If $3.5 million can be raised in a matter of days to do a statewide (Wisconsin) recount, why couldn’t we have used it to launch a nationwide campaign for something like any of the three issues I suggested in a post-election blog? They were:
Three Positives that the Democratish should follow up on. Later I’ll get to what everybody’s enjoying whining about. First the positives, if you can stand it.
There are two kinds of activist groups, equally (in)effective. Which are you? And why? Pop-up activists tend their topiary and anguish over bathroom fixtures until… a Big Bad Issue pops up and invigorates them. Permanent Waves—the second kind of activist group—inhabit longstanding, institutionalized power zip codes nestled among other shrubbery in the nonprofit landscape.
Do you think you can understand butterflies perfectly well without knowing caterpillars? Corporate political contributions had a caterpillar stage; I’m guessing you won’t even recognize it.
Would you like to neutralize corporations’ ability to get so many GOOD laws declared unconstitutional? There’s an “app” for that—-an approach, that is.
If we used Pluto’s new celebrity status as an opportunity to see Earth—from afar—as part of the solar system and part of a Galactic Trade Organization, would we gain any new insights? Pluto is a trip-and-a-half. The word pluto means both wealth (plutocracy) and hell (Pluto as god of Hades), so, already economics, myth, and…
You want a Seat at the Table. You fight for it. You get it. Yippee. Let’s consider it. (Welcome back to the DTP Blog. I’ve been absent from this table because, among other things, May is a huge month for gardening in Wisconsin and mine needed lots of TLC so I could put food on…
Crumbling pages in the rare books room of the Wisconsin State Law Library may hold the key to breaking the corporate stranglehold on the democratic promise so long dormant in the heartland. I’ve read those pages in that cool, dim room. But you can find the same info in the well-thumbed regular stacks that are…
Jane Anne Morris