Is Citizens United Focus a Good Use of Our Time? (2014)

Such a comforting thought—that overturning a single court case can resolve some of society’s biggest problems. With Citizens United, the idea seems to be that huge strides could be made by reversing it, thereby “getting the money out of” elections. It’s our current version of the “silver bullet” myth of old. Kind of like thinking …

Is Citizens United Focus a Good Use of Our Time? (2014) Read More »

State “Laboratories of Democracy” Threatened, Overlooked (2007)

by Jane Anne Morris How to be sure that toy under the holiday tree has no lead paint? With only a month of shopping days remaining, the public depends–more than at any other time–on our federal regulatory agencies’ ability to protect us from health and safety risks from toys, clothing, and other goods. So when …

State “Laboratories of Democracy” Threatened, Overlooked (2007) Read More »

Homo Metallicus: Is Recycling the New Garbage? (2008)

by Jane Anne Morris The history of Homo metallicus mirrors more than technological prowess: consequences may be closer than they appear. And, they are coming from our blind spot. Before humans started hammering portable copper mirrors about five thousand years ago, the only mirrors were pools of clear still water, reflecting trees and sky. A …

Homo Metallicus: Is Recycling the New Garbage? (2008) Read More »

Why a Green Future is “Unconstitutional” and What to Do About It (2008)

By Jane Anne Morris Working in tandem with a cooperative Supreme Court, corporate lawyers have insinuated themselves into the US Constitution like retroviruses, rewriting Constitutional code so that instead of protecting human persons from an oppressive government, the Constitution has been twisted to shield corporate persons (corporations) from control by the governments that create them.

Look to Congress for Supreme Court Fix (2010)

by Jane Anne Morris How is it unconstitutional for a state to require place-of-origin labels on meat? Regulate sale of its water? Establish worker protections stricter than federal standards? Where does the US Constitution say that states cannot require that toxic waste be sorted and labeled? Cannot include labor standards in state purchasing policy? Cannot …

Look to Congress for Supreme Court Fix (2010) Read More »

America Needs A Law Prohibiting Corporate Donations (1996)

by Jane Anne Morris Bribery makes the discerning man blind and the just man give a crooked answer. (Exodus 23:8) Corporate civic, charitable, and educational “donations” of all kinds should be banned because they strangle open public debate, and contribute to the corporate colonization of our culture.

Help, I’ve Been Colonized and I Can’t Get Up (1998) (Take a lawyer and an expert to a hearing and call me in a decade…)

by Jane Anne Morris A third of your friends are locked down in an old growth grove or at a corporate headquarters, with law enforcement officers rubbing pepper spray in their eyes. Another third are preparing testimony so you can be persuasive at a generic regulatory agency while you’re begging them to enforce a tiny …

Help, I’ve Been Colonized and I Can’t Get Up (1998) (Take a lawyer and an expert to a hearing and call me in a decade…) Read More »

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