SLAPPs – Further Reading
Joseph J. Brecher, The Public Interest and Intimidation Suits: A New Approach, 28 Santa Clara L. Rev. 105 (1988). Penelope Canan, The SLAPP from a Sociological Perspective, 1989 Pace Envtl. Law Rev. 23 (1989). Penelope Canan and George W. Pring, Strategic Lawsuits Against Political Participation, 35 Social Problems, 1988. Roni A. Elias, Anti-SLAPP Laws in…
SLAPPs Article from NIMBY (1994)
(The following is from my 1994 book, Not In My Back Yard: The Handbook (Silvercat Publications). It’s dated but still accurate. The references are no longer current.) Watch Out for SLAPPs SLAPP, a term coined in 1988, refers to a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. A Wall St. Journal article, referencing consumer advocate Ralph Nader,…
SLAPPs: Effects, Defenses & Preventions
This paper on SLAPPs is written for non-lawyers by a non-lawyer. It is an attempt to familiarize the interested layperson with the nature of SLAPPs, defenses against them, and ways to prevent them. Special attention is given to provisions that may be effective in state legislation designed to protect the rights of citizens who participate…